Viewing Overview page

Viewing Overview page

You can view the spend details and total budget of the domains on the Overview page of the GOVERNANCE tab. You can view the following details on the Overview page:

  • Previous and current spends, and spend forecast for the domain

  • Chart for the cost flow from the parent domain to the child domains (You can add a dimension to view the cost flow based on the required dimension. By default, Cloud Provider, Service and Region are added as a dimension.)

  • Chart for spend by top level domains

  • Budget status for domains

  • Chart for spend by top level service domains

  • Startup and shutdown schedule

You can also set the cost over filter to view the domain spends only over the specific cost.

On the side navigation bar, select the GOVERNANCE tab, and click Overview.
Aquila Clouds displays the Overview page with the details displayed for the organization.



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