Financial Domain page
You can open the Financial Domain page from the Governance tab to view:
The total budget of organization or a department in an organization for a specific time range
Forecast indicating the duration till when the current budget will last considering the current spends.
Cumulative spend details
Spend details for the current month
Spend forecasts for the current month based on the trends of previous spends
Spend details of reservations for the current month
Spend details of the savings plan for the current month
Savings over the on demand plan for the current month
On the side navigation bar, select the GOVERNANCE tab, and click Financial Domain.
Aquila Clouds displays the Financial Domain page with the details displayed for the organization.You can perform any of the following tasks:
Change the filter from Company or Organization to any department to view the financial domains for the selected company or department.
Click the following icon associated with Total Budget to edit the financial domain for the selected company or department.
Click the following icon associated with Reservation Spend to view the details of all available reservations for the selected company or department.
Click the following icon associated with Savings Plan Spend to view the details of all available savings plan for the selected company or department.
Click DOWNLOAD to download a CSV file with details of the financial domain for the selected company or department.
Click the following icon in the Current Spend column for the required domain to view details for the selected financial domain. Aquila Clouds displays the Financial Domain page that also appears when you access the Financial Domain page from the Explorer tab. For more details see Viewing the Financial Domain page.
Click the following icon in the Details column for the required domain to view details for the selected financial domain. Aquila Clouds displays the sub domains under the selected domain on the Details page of the selected financial domain.
Click the View Chart in the View Chart column for the required domain to view the Monthly Consumptions vs Budget chart.
For the required domain, click the following icon and select Edit to edit the domain. For more details, see Adding and managing a financial domain
For the required domain, click the following icon and select Delete to delete the domain. For more details, see Adding and managing a financial domain