Aquila Clouds BillOps User Guide

Purpose of this Guide
The Aquila Clouds BillOps User's Guide provides detailed instructions for performing day-to-day operational tasks associated with Aquila Clouds BillOps onboarding with Aquila Clouds, configuring resource details of your customers and generating itemized bills for customers on a periodic basis.
Who should read this Guide?
This guide helps Administrator, billing account manager, billing operator and billing reviewer to account for all the cloud resources used by the customers, apply region or customer specific discounts and generate an itemized bill for customers.
Typographical Conventions
This guide complies with the following typographical conventions:



Hyperlink References

References to hyperlinked topics within or outside this guide


Menus and menu options, input fields, radio buttons, check boxes, drop-down lists, tabs, buttons, keys on the keyboard, links and messages displayed on the screen

Note: Figures in this guide are displayed with sample data in the fields for your understanding only.