Customizing alerts and messages
You can modify the default settings for alerts and messages to customize the generation of email based alerts according to your requirements.
On the side navigation bar, select the ADMINISTRATION tab, and click Alerts & Messages.
Aquila Clouds displays the Alerts & Messages page.For the required alert, in the Edit column, click the following icon:
Edit the following fields depending on the alert selected for edit:
PO Expiry:
Active: Toggle on or off to set the alert to active or inactive state.
PO Expiry In Days (Severe): Modify the number of days left in PO expiry for triggering severe alert.
PO Expiry In Days (Critical): Modify the number of days left in PO expiry for triggering critical alert.
PO Value vs Consumption:
Active: Toggle on or off to set the alert to active or inactive state.
PO vs Consumption: Modify the value to set the lower threshold for triggering alert for PO vs Consumption.
PO vs Consumption Upper Threshold: Modify the value to set the upper threshold for triggering alert for PO vs Consumption.
Un-Mapped Resources:
Active: Toggle on or off to set the alert to active or inactive state.
Number of Un-Mapped resources (%): Modify the percentage value for unmapped resources for triggering alert for unmapped resources.
Bill Due Date:
Active: Toggle on or off to set the alert to active or inactive state.Bill Ready For Review:
Active: Toggle on or off to set the alert to active or inactive state.Policy Violation Check:
Active: Toggle on or off to set the alert to active or inactive state.
Emails to be alerted: Select the email IDs on which the policy violation alert is required.
Days: Enter the number of days after which the policy violation alert email is to be triggered.
Click Save
Aquila Clouds updates the selected alert and generates email based message for the alert according to the customized setting.