Adding an integration for ConnectWise PSA

Adding an integration for ConnectWise PSA

  1. Navigate to Admin > Integrations

  2. Click on the Add button in the top right corner of the portal

  1. Select ERP as the Integration Service Type

  2. Select ConnectWise PSA as the Integration Type

  3. Select “Rollup by Categories” as the ConnectWise Agent Type

  4. Enter the following:

    1. ConnectWise PSA Server URL

    2. ConnectWise Company ID

    3. Public Key

    4. Private Key

How do you find the Company ID, public key and private key (API key)?

  • The Company ID can be found on the ConnectWise PSA login screen.

  • Public Key / Private Key (APIKey) –

    • ConnectWise recommends that, after you have created a Security Role with the permissions stated in the documentation below, you should then create an API Member, assign the Integration's Security Role to that API Member, and then create the API Keys on the API Member's account.

What permissions do you need to provide to Aquila Clouds?

Please see the following screenshots: